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In today’s changing times, health and health issues, attract greater attention than they used to earlier. Many researchers have conducted studies to prove that an increase in the intake of nutrients, especially fats along with an inactive life style is one of the prime reasons for the occurrence of excessive weight and obesity, especially in the Western World (Bleich, Cutler, Murray & Adams, 2007).  Excessive body weight gives rise to obesity which can be the cause of numerous negative health effects and problems.

Obesity refers to a state of health when there is excess amount of energy stored in the fatty tissues of the body which results in several health complications. Obesity causes several health problems in those who are affected by it, giving rise to numerous diseases, some of which prove fatal. The most commonly caused diseases due to excess weight of the body weight include heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis (Haslam & James, 2005). These diseases pose serious risks to the persons who have a high Body Mass Index (B.M.I.), which is a method used to figure the fat in the body of a person. A body mass of more than 30 and above poses several risks to the health of the person which may sometimes prove to be life threatening.  Studies have revealed that the rate of mortality is high in obese persons (Manson, Willett, Stampfer, et al., 1995).